Characteristics of The Effects of Deep Massage

Characteristics of The Effects of Deep Massage

Muscular massage is a simple, affordable and pleasant way to keep the muscles in proper condition. The results of the procedure can be evaluated after just a few sessions:

  • wrinkles disappear;
  • form a clear, pronounced contours;
  • facial oval tightens;
  • improve the external characteristics of the dermis – elasticity, firmness, tautness, color;
  • regeneration processes are activated;
  • eliminates various cosmetic defects associated with impingement of the nerves, muscles.

Manipulation should be performed carefully, because the effectiveness of the procedure is directly related to the correct depth and strength of the impact. The deep massage has a beneficial effect on the conduction of neurons, activating the work of nerve impulses. As a result, muscle tissues gain a strong connection with the brain. Mimicry becomes clearer, features are smoothed, tightened.

Deep workout of muscles speeds up the internal regenerative processes, prevents the formation of stagnation. After a course of procedures blood circulation and lymphatic drainage is normalized, metabolism speeds up, nutrition and oxygen supply of derma cells gets improved. As a result, the skin becomes rejuvenated and revitalized. Swelling, bags and bruises under the eyes disappear, wrinkles become almost invisible, a strong facial skeleton is formed which does not let the skin sag under the influence of gravity.

In addition to the revitalizing and rejuvenating effect, the deep massage promotes physical and emotional relaxation. During the procedure, if the technique is precisely followed, the client completely relaxes and enjoys a lot, which has a positive effect on the work of internal organs and systems, increases stress resistance.

Kinds of A Deep Tissue Massage

Kinds of A Deep Tissue Massage

Depending on the nature of the problem and the severity of age-related changes, the following types of deep massage can be applied for working through the facial muscles:

  • Lymphatic drainage. Includes alternating techniques aimed at relieving muscle spasm and tension. Manipulations are carried out strictly along massage lines, movements are aimed at normalization of lymph outflow. Lymphatic drainage massage eliminates stagnation, stimulates metabolism and restores the hydro-balance, which has a positive effect on the quality and appearance of the skin.
  • Sculptural (buccal). Appointed for patients with pronounced signs of age-related changes on the face. This massage combines elements of a classic technique, alternating with vibrations, strong pressure and fixation movements along the massage lines. In terms of effectiveness, the procedure can be compared to surgical lifting. After a course of therapy, deep age lines disappear, the skin tightens and the facial oval is expressive and clear. In addition, activated the synthesis of collagen and elastin, responsible for the smoothness, elasticity of the epidermis. During the buccal massage the neck and decollete area also participate in the session.
  • Japanese Massage Assahi. During the procedure, the soft tissues are worked deeply. The procedure is applied to fight and prevent age-related changes in the facial skin. The technique is ideal for forming a firm facial framework and getting rid of excessive fat deposits. Each approach is completed by working through the drainage lines.
  • Spanish. During the procedure, the masseur performs complex manipulations that contribute to sculpting soft tissues as well as the musculature. During the session, attention is paid to biologically active points, stimulation of which has a beneficial effect on the entire body and the immune system.

During massage manipulations, the client should not be disturbed by unpleasant feelings, pain. The master should regulate the force of pressure. If the technique of the procedure is violated, such side effects occur:

  • skin irritation, hyperemia;
  • swelling;
  • bruises, bruises, and bruises.

Effect of The Procedure

The effect of the depth technique at our massage center in Barsha Heights is achieved in a complex manner:

  • The procedure touches and works all muscle groups, contributing to their strengthening, increasing the tone.
  • Normalizes the flow of lymph, which improves blood circulation, nutrition and oxygen supply of the cells of the dermis, more quickly eliminates toxic substances from the body, excess fluid.
  • The skin is visibly rejuvenated and revitalized. Gone are such unpleasant cosmetic defects as wrinkles, bags and dark circles under the eyes, double chin, excessive fat deposits in the neck and neckline. The complexion improves, after a course of procedures the patient looks younger by at least 5 years.
  • The functioning of the neuroreceptor system is normalized, eliminating spasms of the facial musculature.


Contact Information:

Jasmine Spa European Massage Dubai

18th Floor, Sheikh Zayed Road Exit 36
Barsha Heights, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Jasmine Spa Russian Massage Dubai
+971 56 123 8869

Characteristics of The Effects of Deep Massage

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