General and Therapeutic Aroma Massage

General and Therapeutic Aroma Massage

A general aromatherapy massage has a directed effect on all parts of the body or just one of them. The skin is stroked, kneaded and rubbed.

The masseur affects the surface of the body gently. His aim is not to treat, but only to rub in aroma oils and warm up the upper tissues to intensify the effect of the european massage.

Massaging is done with a variety of fragrances and additional massage aids. Mixing aromatic drops with base creams and oils allows for proper dosage without overdoing it.

A mono-recipe can be used for a general massage or several natural components can be mixed together. The composition of the massage mixture is individual and is chosen depending on what effect you want to get at the end. When selecting the variations, a person’s current state, their aromatic preferences and possible skin reactions are taken into account.

General aromatherapy massage is performed in several stages:

  • Introductory – one to three minutes. It consists of light stroking. It is necessary to prepare the patient for the main procedures.
  • The main one lasts from five to twenty minutes. At this stage the necessary components are rubbed into the skin.
  • Final. During one to three minutes, the intensity of the impact on the patient is reduced.

This type of massage is performed in order to improve the general well-being, normalize blood circulation and the work of internal organs. At this influence the metabolism is intensified. All processes of the body are accelerated, urination and peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract are increased. Such an effect is not for everyone’s benefit. The presence of acute and chronic diseases is a reason to refuse this procedure. Although natural components can not harm the body, they increase metabolic processes, which may adversely affect the overall course of the disease.

Therapeutic Massage Dubai

Therapeutic Massage

Aromassage always has a therapeutic effect even if its aim is not to heal the body or internal organs. It soothes the soul and restores the psycho-emotional balance. However, aromatherapeutic effects can also be therapeutic.

The rubbing of essential oils in certain combinations is indicated for:

  • Migraines – melissa, lemon, mint, frankincense, peach, cumin, cedar, marjoram, sandalwood.
  • Hypertension – mint, lavender, fir, oregano.
  • Depression – lavender, clary sage, chamomile, bergamot, rose, jasmine.
  • Obesity – orange, mandarin, juniper, anise.
  • Insomnia – lavender, ylang-ylang, chamomile, peppermint, thyme.

Therapeutic procedures can be performed by massage therapists or performed at home yourself. In both cases it is important to understand what points should be acted upon.

Aroma Massage Durations

The therapeutic massage is done in courses. Minimum cycle is 5 sessions, 1 per week. Massage masters at our European Spa use oils in combinations, usually two or three components are mixed together. The selection of aromas and their dosage is very important to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

To consolidate the therapeutic effect it is necessary to stick to the post-procedure regimen. The patient should not be immediately involved in active activities. Within 15-30 minutes he is advised to rest – lay or sit down, drink tea or warm water. Do not go to the beach or tanning salon and should refrain from bathing and showering for 10-12 hours. On the days of procedures it is not recommended to drink alcohol.

General and Therapeutic Aroma Massage

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